Minecraft 1.12 Casino Gaames

  1. 2 In 1 Casino Game
  2. Minecraft Casino Games

Minecraft 1.12.2 Servers Find here all the best Minecraft 1.12.2 servers. Minecraft-mp.com is the most popular server list for Minecraft 1.12.2 servers and all Minecraft servers. On Paper 1.12.2 Plugin cuases server 'Time Out' I tried Every. I am using 5.10.5 version of the plugin. All versions that are more recent are not compatible with my server versions and Reds out the plugin in /pl. Apr 03, 2019  CasinoCraft Mod 1.12.2/1.10.2 adds 25 different MiniGames to Minecraft for you to enjoy. Ever wanted to relax with a little card game after a hard day in t.

Native Minecraft Version:
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
  • 1.13
  • 1.14
  • 1.15

Win or lose it all?This plugin chooses one of these two important things randomly, with 50-50% chance.
You just need to click to the Casino sign, enter the amount of money which you want to put in the casino, wait a few seconds and get your balance back doubled or lose it all.

If this sounds too simple for you to purchase this premium plugin, then I can tell you more:
- The plugin is extremely configurable, you can set up the minimal deposit, maximal deposit, the waiting time, the sign layout and the command executions instead of simple messages

- These command execution configuration allows you to make everything you can imagine.
For example, you can execute any kind of custom commands, like changing all the messages in the plugin to be shown in title messages or even giving special items to the winners (i.e. CONSOLE:give <plr:name> DIAMOND for giving a diamond to a player)


2 In 1 Casino Game

For using this plugin you need to add SpigotLib to your server. You can also add Vaultand an Economy manager plugin (i.e. Essentials) to your server
if you don't want to use the SpigotLibas an Economy provider.

Before asking anything please read this description several times, and make sure you added all the dependencies to your server.
If you still have any question, you found a bug, or you need a custom plugin feel free to contact me on Discord.
My Discord name is gyurix#8413
When you see that the plugin is working as it should please do not forget to leave a review.

• /casino:for checking some info about the plugin

Minecraft Casino Games

• casino.use:for using the casino signs
• casino.createsign:for creating casino signs

- MSG:§9Casino: §bEnter the amount of money what you would like to put in, or enter §cCancel§b for cancelling.
- MSG:§9Casino: §cCancelled the money put in request.
- MSG:§9Casino: §cCancelled the money put in request, because the entered money amount is not a valid number.
- MSG:§9Casino: §cCancelled the money put in request, because the entered money is too low.
- MSG:§9Casino: §cCancelled the money put in request, because the entered money is too big.
- MSG:§cSorry, you do not have enough money
#The number of seconds how much the casino process should took.
: 10
- MSG:§9Casino: §bProcessing your money, please wait 10 seconds...
- TS:2 40 5
- SUBTITLE:§bWait §e<args:0>§b seconds...
- TITLE:§9Casino
- TS:5 60 5
- SUBTITLE:§aCongratulations, you have won §e<args:0>$§b.
- TITLE:§9Casino
- TS:5 60 5
- SUBTITLE:§cSorry, you have lost your money.
- TITLE:§9Casino
: 10
: 1000
#The checkable line number of the signs to find the casino sign (0-3)
: 0
#The checkable line of the sign should be exactly this string for creating a casino sign
: [Casino]
#The valid casino signs signCheckLine, should be exactly this string.
: §1[Casino]


You are ALLOWED to modify the plugins source code only for your own server/network.
You are
NOT ALLOWED to share the plugin or it's any modified versions / decompiled source code, you are only allowed to share the URL of this webpage.